Angie adair


I'm a UX Designer based in Northern Colorado. I have a UX Design Certification from Google, and a B.A. in Studio Art from Mississippi College.

Acid Graphic Elements Sunburst Optical Illusion

Acid Graphic Elements Whirpool Optical Illusion


Acid Graphic Elements Concetric Circles Optical Illusion

BeerGarden ordering app

BeerGarden is a fictional outdoor beer garden that serves food and drinks. I designed this app as part of the Google UX Design Certification course.

To begin the design process, I created personas for potential customers. The pain point I focused on was being able to order from the table without having to wait in line or deal with the frustration of having trouble hearing due to the noisy environment.

I then created paper wireframes of the app pages.

High-fidelity prototypes were then created and tested in Figma.

The next steps were digital wireframes, and low-fidelity prototypes. This was followed by a usability study that helped determine what changes needed to be made.

Loving Paws Website

Loving Paws is a fictional animal shelter. I designed this website as part of the Google UX Design Certification course.

Mary was one of my personas for this project. I used her to put myself in the place of a busy mom looking to adopt a pet for her family. What would be the easiest way to to that?

My sitemap for the Loving Paws website lays out the function of the site.

My low-fidelity wireframe shows the basic structure of the website, and takes into considerations findings from my usablity study, which included the need for better navigation within the website.

The final prototype is a functional design for both a desktop and a mobile website.


RemindRX is a medication reminder system, designed as both an app and responsive website. I designed this as part of the Google UX Design Certificate program.

The low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes of the RemindRX app. These were designed after developing personas and designing the app from the viewpoint of a user that has trouble remembering to take their medication.

The final prototype of the website designed for desktops and tablets incorporates solving the user needs of high color contrast and simple navigation..

My sticker sheet for the projects shows my design choices for typography, colors, and iconography.